Category Archives: Residential Elevators

How Does a Vacuum Elevator Work?

A pneumatic, or vacuum, elevator transports passengers from floor to floor using changes in air pressure. A vacuum elevator can be attached to a balcony or travel through a hole in the floor. The elevator car is moved by differences between the atmospheric pressure above and below the car ceiling. T...

How Can Seniors Improve Mobility at Home and Remain Independent?

As people age, it can become increasingly difficult to do things that were once easy, such as walking up and down a flight of stairs. Many people believe that if they cannot climb stairs, they either have to limit themselves to the ground floor or move into another home with a single level. However,...

There is simply no other company that can offer you all of this.

If you are looking for a customized quote or just want to ask a question, get in touch with Nationwide Lifts today to start talking to a Home Elevator expert.